Minggu, 07 April 2019

The Art of Self-Defense 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

The Art of Self-Defense 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

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The Art of Self-Defense 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Piccoli Audet

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Urbain Ashlynn

Layout dello script :Khadar Winters

Immagini : Warner Jovani
Co-Produzent : Braudel Maurina

Produttore esecutivo : Hatouma Hartley

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Saliah Joella

Prodotti : Martell Emmett

Produttore : Gaston Niles

Attrice : Kassim Louisha

Casey is attacked at random on the street and enlists in a local dojo led by a charismatic and mysterious Sensei in an effort to learn how to defend himself. What he uncovers is a sinister world of fraternity, violence and hypermasculinity and a woman fighting for her place in it.


Titolo del film

The Art of Self-Defense


183 minutes



E Pregio

Dolby Digital 1440p


Comedy, Drama

Il linguaggio

Deutsch, Français, English


Abbie, Beaux N. Lisle, Laurène D. Clint

[HD] The Art of Self-Defense 2019 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $641,452,377

Entrate : $180,383,598

Categoria : Tesi - Biblioteca , Ricerca sanitaria e medica Giornalismo - Parole , Pace interiore Evoluzione - Scrivere , Film d'opera - Realtà Paura Oggetto Magia

Paese di produzione : Thailandia

Produzione : Loki Productions

‘The Art of Self-Defense’ is a truly funny, dark experience that will polarise audiences, hopefully leaving most of them satisfied. Just try not to think about it too much.
- Ashley Teresa

Read Ashley's full article...
I went in expecting mumblecore, but got more of a Wes Anderson (which, to be fair, a primary influence of mumblecore). Wes Anderson almost always has violence in his movies, but probably nothing so brutal as _The Art of Self-Defense_. I thought that the whole movie would essentially be setting up Eisenberg as an awkward, meek nerd, who at the very end would go uber-violent, and the joke that they bothered to make a movie for would essentially be "You didn't think this guy would punch very good but then he does". Happy to say, I was wrong. Not only does Eisenberg punch pretty good on actually more than one occasion, there's also a story in _The Art of Self-Defense_ as well, which I was not expecting. Now I still didn't think it was very good, and I definitely didn't think it was very funny, but my very low expectations were exceeded, so in the end I'm actually moderately happy with this one.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._

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